Ornamental Bark/Economy Play Bark

Ornamental Bark Economy Play Bark

Ornamental garden bark is ideal for that prestigious project, either used as a surface dressing around formal borders and beds. Offering the same properties as the other garden barks only with minimal white wood content, sized from 10 – 40mm ornamental bark has a coppery-bronze appearance and will brighten up the dullest of borders.

The depth of bark recommended is between 2 and 4 inches.

Below is a quantity guide to help you work out how much you need.

To use the guide, look down the column relating to depth until you come to the area you wish to cover. On the left is  the amount you require in cubic metres.

Delivered locally:

Bulk Bag: £72.17

Loose: £69.17

Collection price (discounted):

Bulk Bag: £62.17

Loose: £59.17

Handy bag: £6.67

Garden Bark Mulch